Monday, December 6, 2010

Computer Vision Systems

Say goodbye to fog lights because scientists are working on something much better; Computer Vision Systems. It is believed that in the near future, computer vision systems are said to be able to increase your ability to see through the fog or the snow in your vehicle. Can you imagine the full extent of what this type of technology would mean for society? Airplanes wouldn’t fly blindly, underwater exploration would be taken to an entirely new level, public transportation would be more efficient and safer, and lastly our own private transportation will be greatly enhanced. Researchers say that this technology will first be in the oceans, then in airplanes, and in a few years we will probably see it in public transportation. They also explain that it’s a long ways away before car companies get their hands on this emerging technology.
This technology is the key focus for many over at Carnegie Mellon University. SrinivasaNarasimhan, professor of computer vision and graphic systems explains that this technology will not “take away the fog.” He says that the key to making this technology work is illumination. Lighting up the fog with something like a floodlight is actually the a terrible thing to do because the light refacts and reflects off of the fog and the viewer loses all contrast. Instead you have to scan light and then a camera will make the image clearer.
A big problem, according to SrinivasaNarasimhan is that drivers often speed up in the fog because they perceive that they are actually driving slower. For this type of technology, it is said that specialized led lights or laser will suffice as the light source.,2817,2319795,00.asp

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